An interview with German folk singer-songwriter David Lübke

"I write about travelling, I write about existence, and being lucky to be alive."  - David Lübke


Last summer the Henhouse Prowlers played a crazy Tuesday night show in Hannover, Germany in the middle of a whirlwind tour across Europe.   After the performance a young man approached me and told me he played the banjo.  He was sweet and sincere and I just liked him immediately in that way you do with some people.   We chatted about banjos and life and then went our separate ways.   About a month after we got home from tour I got a message from David Lübke on Facebook with a link to a video.  That same energy and allure came across so quicky in the video and I immediately knew I needed to hang out with him again and possibly get an interview for Bluegrass Ambassadors.   It was so cool to me to see him singing folk music in German.  What was it about?   Who were his influences?   

We played a show a few days ago in Bielefeld (NW Germany) and David opened up the night for us.  Between dinner and soundcheck I spirited him off the to green room for an interview and a song.   David was kind enough to send me both the German lyrics and the English translation, which I'll post below the video.   I hope you enjoy this half as much as I did. - Ben

Leb wohl, du kleine Stadt Leb wohl, leb wohl du kleine StadtLeb wohl du großes HausIch hab’s bei dir so schön gehabt, Doch jetzt geh ich nach HausDu warst so gut, so gut zu mir,Du hast mich oft erfreutIch danke dir z.jpg

PLEASE check out David's Facebook Page and give it a like here:  David Lübke

Ben Wright