Bluegrass Ambassadors visit Munich
This Euopean tour for the Henhouse Prowlers holds several Bluegrass Ambassador school programs, all of which will be our first foray into this part of the world with educational programming. Our first school in Germany was the Viscardi - Gymnasium, just outside of Munich in the small town of Fürstenfeldbruck. We were able to do a 75 minute performance that covered bluegrass music and several of the songs and stories from our adventures abroad. There were some fantastic questions from the students about our lives as performing musicians, as well as a young man who was specifically wanted to hear the music we knew from Kyrgyzstan. The curiosity was palpable and there were moments where it felt like we were really giving them a sense of both the music and the culture of America. Many of the students had never been to the US and asked questions about everything from politics to what schools were like on our side of the Atlantic.
Photo taken during our 75 min performance/ educational section of the day.
Kyle blending in.
After our performance we had a bunch of students come up to the stage to ask questions and even sneak some photos in. We recieved a hearty thanks from the school principal alongside a bunch of happy students. It made it all worth getting up at 6am to arrive on time.
A young musician wanted to try Ben's banjo.
This young woman was way into the blues and brought up both Leadbelly and Robert Johnson, while Chris suggested she check out some Doc Watson.
The video below was with the younger children we worked with. We taught them "Take Me Back to You" though Jon had to change some of the lyrics.