Celebrating Kyrgyzstan...in Cobden, Illinois!
The Henhouse Prowlers have been playing the song “Kara Jorgo” for US audiences ever since we were welcomed so graciously into Kyrgyzstan. While in country, it became a regular occurrence that people would spontaneously jump up and dance with us, moving in this incredibly beautiful way that flows so effortlessly through its citizens. (Check out both the song and the dance in the video below)
This past Friday night that experience came here to the US and it moved an entire audience. We normally stop in the middle of the song to teach folks a little bit of the dance (knowing full well we can’t really do it justice), but this time there was a surprise. Completely coincidentally a young exchange student (Kuba) from Kyrgyzstan was in the audience. This video from the rafters actually catches the moment he decided to come down and join us, showing both the Prowlers AND the audience how the dance is really done.
It’s hard to express how incredible this moment was. This young man had been away from home for 6 months, immersed in our culture, and we were able to bring him home for a moment. Kuba seized that moment and gave everyone in the room an authentic taste of his country. A true Ambassador for Kyrgyzstan emerged that night at our show and we’ll remember it forever.
If you want to learn more about our trip to Kyrgyzstan, make sure you check out the blog posts we made while we were there. Click HERE.
It’s an incredible country and absolutely worth a visit if you’re ever in the region!
Kuba on the left: Also, there was another exchange student from Pakistan there! (Of course, we played Dil Dil Pakistan!)